Tuesday was exam day in Spokane at Veterinary Surgery Specialist for Jinger. The news was not surprising, as we were already prepped by Dr Ruth about Jinger needing this surgery. So, we are moving forward with TPLO surgery on her left leg in August and then following up 5 weeks later in September on her right leg, also a TPLO surgery. Turns out these pitty pups, we love so much, are naturally set up to be in this predicament.
This is no small undertaking and the farm hands are incredibly grateful that we are financially in a position to say yes without worry. With the amazing outpouring during Idaho Gives, we will need to raise about $2000 more over the next 3 months for Jinger. We know the farm family has her covered. She'll be here at home base to recover, with about 4mo of recovery.
It's also no small undertaking for Jinger, but we have the experience with Jean-Luc, and our knowledge of TPLO recovery is 1000 times more than a year ago. She's the best dog ever, so it's really our pleasure.
This summer we will do a couple more fundraising activities specifically for Jinger and keep you posted on her progress and recovery. Sometimes the rescue is more of a marathon than the sprint!
If you would like to help chip away at Jinger's Surgery bill, please consider signing up to be a Continuous Caregiver on our website.
#northidahorescue #tplosurgery #herewegoagain #jingerisloved